25 Januar, 2010


funny how at that time when have conquered that jetlag and you can stay up until 06:15 your time without sleeping, it's almost time to go back. this post is for christian b, a fond reader of this blog and friend for as long as world turns its sleepy turns. i would like to write a really snazzy sentence in quebecois french now, something including the words "câlice", "tabarnak" and "ostie", as this, i was told repeatedly, are the most horrible swear words in quebecois french. they mean "chalice", "tabernacle" and "host". yes. that's how scary they are here. anyway. i went to montreal this weekend. walking the streets on saturday, recovering from a hangover d'ostie, i took some pics. maybe christian likes them.
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20 Januar, 2010

Tracker M on the job in Québec

Welcome to the world of snow! Today was a day spent by the frozen St-Charles-River. I went exploring, cunning little tracker that I am...
Always keep a sharp eye out for the local fauna! Find their tracks in the snow and follow them, with a keen nose and silent feet.

Look! This track on the right is called "selbstgemachte Skilanglaufloipe". It is an extremely rare track made by a species you hardly EVER see in European frozen river valleys. Point is, there are very few European frozen river valleys. Anyway. As this particular species cleverly dresses in different skins, it is impossible to say which colour it has. Whereas they can vary colourwise, they do only come in one shape. Well, two. Male and female, as is common in the world of animals. Being a responsible and well-seasoned tracker I checked out my surroundings carefully and...
...found this most amAZING track! As all animals are prone to changing their pace in movement from time to time, this is an EXCELLENT example of the fast pace our species demonstrates. Our bird, if we want to call it that, has exceptionally long feet with which it can slide through the snow. Attached to its arms are sticks that it puts into the ground to push itself forwards with even greater speed. I couldn't BELIEVE my eyes when all of a sudden I heard a creaking noise from the river - I had actually spotted one!!!

A black one! Male!!! At the peak of its fertility! It passed me in long swishes without noticing my existence. Happy to have witnessed such rare beauty I went home and wrote this little scientific journal.
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musee de la civisilation

today i went to the very recommendable musee de la civilisation. amongst other things i enjoyed an exhibition on human thinking, photos from abused children all around the world (unicef put a show on) and an exhibition of the indigenous people of this big country (i was really fascinated by the igloo). here a few impressions:

thinking humans, of course.

in the bathroom. i was fascinated by the fact that you could buy packs of women.
on the way back home...
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19 Januar, 2010

18 Januar, 2010

C to the Anada, b**ch!

Just a few impressions for you to enjoy until I write a real post. Canada is great, cold, snowy and beautiful. On the weekend we went to a chalet close to the Massif du Sud. More later... Oh. The header of this post is a quote directly from the honourable works of Jon Lajoie, a local comedian. :)
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02 Januar, 2010

tonight in berlin

first of january. setting my hopes firmly in 2010, i went out and found a different city. time, it seems, has moved backwards once again. i should add that i didn't retouch the colouring of the pics. the photos were taken in viktoriapark in kreuzberg at about 12pm, at which time there were still people sledding, taking their dogs and snowboards out and having fun. snow. what a great invention.
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