02 Januar, 2010

tonight in berlin

first of january. setting my hopes firmly in 2010, i went out and found a different city. time, it seems, has moved backwards once again. i should add that i didn't retouch the colouring of the pics. the photos were taken in viktoriapark in kreuzberg at about 12pm, at which time there were still people sledding, taking their dogs and snowboards out and having fun. snow. what a great invention.

4 Kommentare:

Frenzy: hat gesagt…

sehr sehr schön, m.!

fiel.kuhla hat gesagt…

WOW! die Fotos solltest du als postkarten im bergmannkiez verticken!

animaldelmar hat gesagt…

findste? find ich eigentlich auch! gute idee...

dell hat gesagt…

Wonderful. It has been hot here. Much love from us. Tell me about Canada? Are you there for long?